Friday, February 20, 2015

Combat Logging

Combat Tag LogoEllo everyone, mihr here with exciting news! I know combat logging has been a really annoying problem on the server but that issue is now resolved with the Combat Tag Plug in.

The combat logging plug in won't effect Admins or Drew but it will effect all other players. Basically if you get hit by another player and log out within the next 10 seconds you will be killed and drop all of your stuff. When you log back on again you will find the re spawn screen. Also don't worry about mobs, if a mob hits you it won't trigger the plug in to effect you, you can tp away from your enemy as well without consequences. If you have any other concerns I didn't address contact staff and we'll be happy to help.


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Hysteria is Back!

Hello Hysterians!

I am happy to be announcing that after almost a week of down time the server is back up and running. Thank you all for being so understanding through what I am sure is a restless and frustrating time. For all of your patience I have given every current player 30 power in faction and removed the auto removal for the time being. The auto removal will be set back to normal in one weeks time. Also the power will gradually go back to it's standard 25. Again from the bottom of my heart thank you for all of the support!


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Server Down

Ello everyone, mihr here. So as you might have noticed the server is down, Drew's internet is down currently but I assure you he's working to fix it so don't panic. I'll re-post on the blog when it comes up. Hope you guys are havin' a great day!


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Minecraft Name changes.

Hi All,

This post is in regards to the new Minecraft service of being able to change your name once every thirty days. This is a service supported by Minecraft, and ONLY Minecraft. This service is not supported by most of the plugins on the server (The large ones being Factions and MCMMO)

Long story short for the people who dont get why im pointing this out is, if you change your name you will:

Lose any position in a faction your in, as your old "Character" will retain their position in the faction.

Lose any MCMMO skills and levels.

Lose any Iconomy moneys.

We as staff will not fix these issues for you. We may help on a case by case basis, but will not help you just because you want to change your name.

Please make it easier on everyone and stick with your current name.
