To get this pack type "/buy" in chat and then click on the sunflower. In chat you will get a link to a website, this will look like a spam URL but trust me it is good. Click the link and you will get sent to out Buycraft donations site ( Just follow the directions. Make sure your inventory is empty, be online when you do this, and enjoy the summer!
This is a sneak peak at the content of this amazing free gift! Remember this gift will only be available once per-player and will not be available after the month of June. Get it now while you still can!
On other news, a new free promotional pack will go up for a week when the donations goal is met! This time the pack will be one of the current buy-able packs so vote now in the comments section what pack you want for free!
I have a feeling the Raiders pack will be the most desired cause of the OP armor. xD