Thursday, July 31, 2014

Hysterian Community Census Topics for August

Ello everyone, after some staff discussion I am proud to announce the categories  for the voting and the building contest theme!

The categories you can vote for your friends to win are:
Most Brutal
Most friendly
Most helpful
Most outspoken
Most evil minded

Remember that you can vote on the blog or personally with staff to nominate your friends for these titles, you have 2 weeks to vote for your friends and see who the nominees are! Don't forget to vote for the nominee's after the 2 week period. The winners will be posted next month and receive their new titles!

In other news:
The Theme for the building contest for August is:

Grab your friends and think of what to build, the contest is on August 23rd at 2pm central time I hope to see you all there! First and Second place get prizes!
More information to come, stay tuned!


1 comment:

  1. I think R10's the most evil person in the server when it comes to experiments... I mean... look at him! XD
