Sunday, August 31, 2014

Hysterian Community Census August Results!

Greetings fellow Hysterians!

I come bringing the results of the Hysterian Community Census for the August Moonth.

Right lets get started..... (Drum roll please)

Hysterians Please raise your glasses for your five chosen winners!

Zj707 The Sadistic!
Mihr10 The Kind!
Rocketman_R10 The Devious!
Kryios The Giving!
Crazydragonlady The Loudmouth!

Congrats to the winners, and thank you to all that participated!

Winners will find their new titles attached to their names when the next enter the Hysterian Relm


Saturday, August 30, 2014

Good Morrow and Salutations young wyrmlings
 It is an honor to congratulate the winners of the first ever building contest of Hysteria. We had quite the turn-out and quite the buildings built in this contest and in case you missed out on the fun here are the builds below by team who worked on them.

Team 2 built a lovely cobble tower and adjacent tree home as their build for the contest, well done and well made :)

Team 3 built a great house in the old European style complete with home furnishings to make this a perfectly livable and immediately move-inable home :)

Team 4 built an imposing stonebrick tower with built in defenses and a lava moat to keep intruders at bay, their flag also waves proudly in the wind atop their stone tower.

 and last but not least Team 5 did a build of a lovely wooden/stone cottage in the woods, built for a cozy two it's the perfect spot to unwind and relax with someone you like :)

and now to announce this months winners of the Hysterian Building Contest: Team 3 took 1st place! and Team 5 second place! congratulations to the winners and all who participated :D

Yours Undeniably, Admin Kryios

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Final voting!

Ello everyone, I'd personally like to thank all of you for nominating your friends for the categories it was a huge success! The time has come to cast in your votes and reasons for the final winners for each category! The links below will take you to a poll website. Simply click who you'd like for the category and cross your fingers!

     ^  please copy the link by holding the right mouse button and dragging over it

On a side note regarding the building event. Here are the teams and their numbers.  Attention Participants you must go to the sign with your assigned number. Remember the event is August 23rd at 2pm central time.

Team 1: Coolman9577, WATTchez & Silvershinobi88

Team 2: swagbeast, Jelly5607

Team 3: Scuff_Mcgruff, Rocketman_r10

Team 4: zj707, Yuke_da_Nuke & M0t0rcycl3king

Team 5: honeypot, jpm11


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Emergency (and probably temporary) Closure of the Hysterian Creative Server (UPDATE)

As I logged on to the creative server today, I found a piece of land that was blown up by TNT. I asked Drew and Kry about this and Drew thought someone might've unleashed the Wither.

My poor, beautiful Viking Longhall D:
"TNT you say? I thought it wasn't able to be used in this server?" Well, someone has been hacking (and with alt accounts) and with sped up flight, started placing and lighting up TNT so Coolman, Ashlei and I were flipping out about this, with me having to tempban the alt accounts and trying to restore the land as best as possible.

And until further notice, the creative server will be closed, and possibly become a white-listed server to prevent any other attempts of destroying other peoples' builds.

Sorry guys!


***UPDATE*** The Creative Server is back up, and me with the help of some other people are cleaning up the places that aren't claimed that are hit, so there may be lag if you do happen to get on.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

A Whole New World!

This is a whole new server that is running along side the Nations of Hysteria! Called "Creative Nations"
Here is a quick list of plugins:

  • Autobroadcaster- in game messages.
  • Factions- to protect creative builds.
  • Worldedit- For Staff.
  • WorldGuard- For protection.
  • Gates- Cause automatic Gates are freaking awesome.
  • Nametagedit- To give neat titles above players heads.
  • Colorme- For all the pretty colors.
  • WorldBoarder- So you don't go to far.
  • Essentials- cause it is Essential.
  • Dynmap- so you can search for new or old creative builds.
  • Dynmap Factions- So you can see who owns each build on the dynmap.
The map is fully interactive with live chat, building, and even player models that show everyones movements.

This great server is now open with the IP:
and the Dynmap website is

Everyone please respect the rules and play for fun. Anyone building obscene or offensive things will have it taken down by staff and are subject to ban with no repeal. Playing here is a Privilege not a right. Thank you all for being so Great!


Saturday, August 2, 2014

August 2 Dragon Event

Welcome Again Hysterians to the 16th monthly Dragon event were players are torn limb to limb by brutal EnderDragons! 16 to be exact this months event went splendid as the competitors destroyed 16 dragons and 16 withers in record time.

Dragon Event #16
 Winners of the August Dragon event: RedheadEthan, cosmicsonicx, SwagBeast64, coolman9577, hamarboy, zj707, Pikachumanlolz, Jelly5607, Scruff_McGruff, Honeypot5, TheHermatron, Kryios, and dragontamer18

Thank you everyone that fought in the dragon event on this glorious day. All the victors will be immortalized forever in Hysterian lore. 

NEXT EVENT IS September 6, 2014 AT 12 NOON CDT.10am West Coast USA12pm Central USA1pm East Coast USA
